X-Men Porn Story: chapter 12b. Mutant Sex Carnival
The circle was loose at first, but Jean started bringing the girls closer together as they spun, overlapping torsos with legs. She continued adjusting and tightening the ring, taking into account the varying heights, while maintaining rotational velocity, until each girls face was inches away from the pussy of the next girl up the line.
The next step was obvious even to newcomers such as Amanda and Tiffany, so all the girls started eating the pussy in front of them, while spreading their legs for the girl eating them. There was soon a neverending chain of cunnilingus spinning in the sky.
Amanda got off to a slow start on the sex, because she was a little disoriented. Being on the up side of the ring was not so bad, because all she could see was sky ahead of her when looking upward, in her direction of movement. But as she approached the top, she could see the mansion and the grounds ahead of her. She estimated she was about 40 feet up at that point. Then she essentially dived over and was moving toward the ground head first. When she reached the vertical midpoint she was facing straight down and could see Jean, plus all the guys watching them. There was a disconcerting amount of space between her and the ground, and nothing between her and it, and no visible means of support. She started breathing again when she reached the bottom of the ring and was mostly horizontal again, though now she was face up. She could again see countryide, but now she was facing away from the mansion.